Friday, November 21, 2014

Welcome to KG Publishing coming in 2015! #SelfPub #Hybrid @KarynGerrard #NewDirection

Its been building for a long time as I've become increasingly frustrated in my publishing life, so after much internal debate, I've decided that going forward, most or all short stories and novellas will be self-published under my own banner. (I'll get a better one, later)

I have a few completed manuscripts (historical novellas) so will pub them myself.  In light of this, I am no longer with Evernight Pub or Decadent Pub or Ellora's Cave. While I am grateful for the contracts, especially from Evernight, as they offered me my very first one, this is a decision I make for me.

But since I rarely write anything short anymore anyway, this self-pub thing will be secondary, and used mostly for books I get the rights back on. In 2015, I will be eligible to receive back a few books, and after re-writes and edits, I will re-release them at very reasonable prices.(50% of what the publisher charged)

Anything new (over 40,000 words) will go to the couple of publishers I still have ties to. (Crimson Romance and Kensington Publishing) and maybe I will find one other.

This is a complete 180 from where I was even eighteen months ago, and I'm not going to go into the myriad reasons behind it. Some are personal. I'm not a person who needs to have my hands on all the control switches, I was happy to hand that over to publishers. But things have changed so much in the publishing world at large and for me personally, I feel I should have control of the pricing, and to a lesser extent, the editing, just to name two reasons. Believe me, there are more.

If someone like me, who really had no interest or desire to self-publish and is now considering doing it in whatever capacity, it really should give publishers pause. There are many more like me who will go hybrid, or cut the ties and go full-indie. Publishers, things are changing.

I am taking my time. Also will not be setting any firm publications dates for any self-pubbed releases. It happens when it happens. I have no interest in self pubbing print books.

But look for The Baron and the Mistress in early 2015 sometime (historical, 28,000 words) Cover art already ordered!

So, going forward, I am a hybrid romance author. Cool.



  1. I recent started self-publishing after having been with several publishers for five years. The publishing world is changing, but publishers have been reluctant to adjust. There are so many more opportunities for indies now.

    1. Exactly Cara, the publishers reluctance to change is also why I am branching out in other directions. Thanks for commenting!


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