Friday, August 10, 2012

RELEASE DAY! My Vampire Cover Model w/Decadent Publishing!


Release day is here!

You can buy MY VAMPIRE COVER MODEL at Decadent's website for ONLY 2.99

That is cheaper than the third party sites, folks!

Click HERE to purchase!

I have a few blog visits upcoming: Monday I will be at Reading Romances for a interview/giveaway!

Tuesday I am at Daily Dose of Decadence for a blog post/giveaway!

Wednesday I am Zee Mondee's blog for an interview~

Aug 21st, I am at Hesperina Loves Books for a blog post/giveaway!

Also a couple of authors are doing spotlights on their blogs, Cheers mates!

Hope you enjoy this short novella as much as I did writing it!

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