One of my first jobs in the mid-eighties was as a Clerical Teacher-Aide at the school Mr. Gerrard taught at. I used an IBM Selectric II. God, I loved it. Even wanted to buy it from the school when we moved. I had interchangeable balls, *snort* I loved the sound of the keys clicking. Barely had to touch it and away it went, typing like a dream. I'd kill for a computer keyboard that worked the same way.
Besides aging myself, why am I tripping down memory lane? Because it's time, after 7 years published, to take stock. Assess goals. Since I spent all of last year writing to fulfill contracts, my indie/self-pubbed stuff suffered. I didn't promote them, never released anything except one re-issue. So I am stepping up my game on the other side of my hybrid writing.
I have uploaded new versions of The Spinster and Mr. Glover, The Governess and the Beast, and Timeless Heart. I have ordered a new cover for My Highlander Cover Model and giving that a new revision. I put both my time travels together as a series called: Heroes of Time Travel Anthology. Made the changes already at the vendors.
I've come to believe that since I have complete control of my indie books, I should keep them updated, not only concerning the front and back matter, but looking for any possible problems. My writing is constantly evolving, my voice should be consistent throughout. Hence the updates. I will be doing my contemporary Xmas story as well.
Also working on a short contemporary romance novella called My Wicked Soul. Here's a tip, never order a cover until you are absolutely sure what you are doing with a story or series. I bought this close to two years ago, thinking I would add it to a contemporary series I already had. Nope. Luckily, I have some photoshop skills and I was able to remove the series name under the title. Instead, I will be using this for a different standalone story. Also working on this. I am using parts from a story that has been returned to me.
I have no idea.
I have a couple of historicals to re-release and will do so at some point through my own publishing arm.
What about the Hornsby Brothers Series? (historical) Book 1 and 2 are with Kensington Publishing, and I am 2/3's of the way writing book 3. (I am able to release it myself) The cover for book 3 is bought, and the series is on hold for a while. But I will be finishing it, I promise. By the end of the year if all goes well.
We will see what happens. Meanwhile, in this downtime, I'm taking charge and cleaning up my backlist. I have one more book to ask for the rights back from Evernight Publishing, and pretty much all my earlier books (2011-2014) will be back in my hands.
In 2014, I shuddered at the thought of self-publishing. Since then, I have found my happy place. For now, at this particular place in time, hybrid author suits me right down to the ground.
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